世界象棋规则 World XiangQi Rules Dual Language

  • Product Code: world-xiangqi-rules
  • Availability: In Stock
  • RM29.90

Xiangqi World Chess Rules (世界象棋规则) is a bilingual book that presents rules for both chess and card games. The book's front section is in Chinese, while the back section is in English. Xiangqi World Chess Rules (世界象棋规则) has been revised based on the Asian Chess Rules framework and is structured into three main parts: a preface, a table of contents, and the main text. The main text is divided into five chapters, covering chess play, general game rules, game organization, chess rules, and chess rule details. Additionally, it includes a round-robin game order list and a postscript.

作者 : 世界象棋联合会

中国象棋协会审定著 : 世界象棋联合会

ISBN : 9787500954149

出版社 : 人民体 育出版社