Shipping & Delivery aims to deliver within the time agreed upon purchase. We guarantee merchandise ordered on will be delivered to your doorsteps within 4-5 working days. However, if there are any public holidays that fall within this time frame, then please understand that we will be taking that into consideration and the time of delivery will be slightly delayed due to those public holidays.

Who are our logistic partners?
Orders are shipped via GD Express Courier, SkyNet Courier and POS Laju
How do I check up on the status of my order?
After your product is shipped out we will send you an SMS to inform you about the delivery arrangements along with the consignment note numbers
How about the delivery schedule?
We will ship your orders on the same day as long as your payment is confirmed and received before 7.00am to 12.00pm. Should your payment confirmation only arrive after 1:30pm for the day, then the shipping of your order will be arranged on the next working day. Should this confirmation fall on a Friday after 1:30pm, the shipping arrangement for your order will be arranged on the following Monday.